Why are we planting?
Yes, space is tight at Village Church these days. But even if it wasn’t, we have felt for several years that we are called to plant another congregation - another local, growing, Anglican family of worship on the east side. Beyond the obvious reasons why church planting is so vital, the theme of this plant is really about an extension of the hospitality that has come to mark Village Church. We like the imagery of the family “insula” Jesus mentions in John 14, promising to make a place for his disciples in his Father’s house as a groom in Jesus’ day would do for his bride. This is just one example of the heart of God to enlarge his beloved family - from his promise to make Abraham the father of many nations to its fulfillment in the exalted Christ drawing all people into this new covenant household.
Basic Timeline - Build, Practice, Launch, Particularize
Other FAQs
Why Plant on the East Side?
The East side is a quickly growing residential area. Many people who attend Village are driving from Taylors, Greer, and beyond. Planting in this area provides an Anglican parish in a large area that does not currently have a church in this tradition.
What Will the Relationship be Between Village Church and the Church Plant?
Village Church will function as a resource church specifically through finances, administration and back office, and a variety of support roles. We hope and pray that many people at Village Church, particularly those who live on the east side, would consider joining this church plant either for a season or indefinitely. The goal is for this church plant to be autonomous and self-supporting, eventually being received as a parish in our Diocese, the Anglican Diocese of the Carolinas.
Will this Church Plant Be Like Village Church?
Like Village, this mission will certainly be an Anglican church taking its worship directly from the Book of Common Prayer and holding to a high standard of holistic worship. Servanthood to our city and a meaningful aesthetic will also matter. Moreover, we believe the convictions, culture, and values of Village Church have been a significant blessing to Greenville and those who reside here. Village has provided a space for many to heal from religious wounds and to rejoin the Church, growing in their faith. Our prayer is that this mission would share these convictions, culture, and values. However, this church plant will have their own personality and means of expressing it dependent on their people and their specific context.
What are the Vision and Values of this Mission?
At Saint Thomas Church, we hope to be a common people, captivated by the beauty of God, and compelled to join His story of renewal. We aim to do this through our Rule of Life, a shared set of practices and rhythms that help us live in the reality of God’s Kingdom. Our Rule of Life is Communal Worship (Catholic, Anglican, Word & Sacrament), Interdependent Living (Mutuality, Presence, Justice), and Sacrificial Generosity (Hospitality, Witness, Stewardship).
What Do You Mean by the East Side?
Click to enlarge
Here’s a map that shows the general area we’re targeting and our households as of early 2024 (The red circle is Village’s location on the west side). It’s a pretty large swath east of Greenville, but the basic boundaries are these:
East of Laurens Rd (276)
South of Wade Hampton Blvd.
North of I-85.
West of Suber Rd.
Ideally, we’ll be no further than 15 minutes outside of downtown.
How Can I Get Involved?
First of all, we’d love for you to pray for us regularly. But beyond that, we’re asking people to pray specifically about joining the mission in one of three ways initially, which you’ll see detailed below. We’re happy to explain more about this and will do so at our interest meetings. But suffice it to say here, the “Seed” will really be like a church planting team carving out a season of their lives to really get behind this effort, ideally people who live on the east side. The “Core” will be a group lending additional support through giving and service, coming from anywhere in the area. And then those who are “Discerning” are sort of trying it out prayerfully for a season, worshipping and giving on a regular basis. And if the Lord wills, that discernment season might lead some to jump in with the Core, making this mission a longer-term commitment, even their home church.
This next season will largely be determined by who is involved and in what capacity. Please join our Community Group here to stay up-to-date with gatherings or connect with Mike+ to share how you’d like to be involved.