Prayer Ministry at Village
Interested in joining the prayer ministry? Join us on March 1st to “Taste and See” what it is all about!
The Vision: God’s River
The presence of God is an infinite resource, always available to His people in greater measure. Prayer is one of the primary ways we access God’s presence and respond to His invitation to go deeper into His life. At Village Church, prayer ministry helps us accompany people into God’s presence and ask for a greater release of His love and power in their lives. Our mission is to invite everyone to a deeper experience of God’s life through prayer.
“Then he brought me back to the door of the temple, and behold, water was issuing from below the threshold of the temple toward the east...[he] measured a thousand cubits, and then led me through the water, and it was ankle-deep. Again, he measured a thousand, and led me through the water, and it was knee-deep. Again, he measured a thousand, and led me through the water, and it was waist-deep. Again, he measured a thousand, and it was a river that I could not pass through, for the water had risen. It was deep enough to swim in, a water that could not be passed through.”
-Ez. 47:1,3,5
Ezekiel’s prophetic vision describes a river flowing from the Temple that brings healing and life to the world. Revelation describes this river as “the water of life flowing from the throne of God” (Rev. 22:1). In some places the water is ankle-deep, knee-deep, and deep enough to swim in. Prayer ministry at Village exists to accompany people into all depths of this “river,” knowing we will never reach the bottom. Our vision is to cultivate a culture of communion with God that empowers us for mission in His world.
The Mission: How We Wade In
There are a variety of ways to experience God’s life through prayer at Village.
Sunday Mornings: Our first and primary expression of prayer ministry is on Sunday mornings, where anyone and everyone can wade “ankle-deep” into the healing presence of God. After we receive Him through Word and Sacrament, prayer ministers are available to hear your request, big or small, and to pray with you. This short, usually 2-3 minute experience, is a simple but powerful way to apply the work of the Spirit to the specifics of your life. Our prayer ministers are there to accompany you in this experience.
Sacred Space: Once a month on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm (usually the 3rd Sunday of the month) we offer a “Sacred Space” where you can come and receive soaking prayer from Village prayer ministers. You will write your prayer requests on a card and leave it next to you on the pew, then our prayer ministers will pray silently and confidentially over your requests. Sacred Space also provides a quiet place to simply sit with the Lord and receive whatever he may have for you. A space in the Sanctuary is provided for those who do not wish to receive prayer. To see upcoming Sacred Space services click here.
Prayer Appointments: If you are looking for a longer or deeper opportunity to connect with God, you may also schedule a prayer appointment with ministers who are specifically trained to wade further into the conversation between you and God. They facilitate an encounter with the Lord that allows you to hear and respond to God over the course of 1-1.5 hrs. People make prayer appointments for all sorts of reasons: to explore the spiritual impact of a childhood wound, to ask for healing for a chronic issue or pain, to seek breakthrough in a sin pattern or fear, and more. If you would like to learn more about this prayer opportunity, please contact Matt+.
Pastoral Counsel/Prayer: Our clergy are always happy to meet with you in order to pray with you or offer pastoral counsel. You can set up an appointment with them by visiting our staff page here.
Prayer 315 Groups: Prayer 315 groups are comprised of 3 members who commit to meeting for 15 minutes per week— either in person or by phone— to pray together for Village and for Greenville. This is a great way to develop your prayer life and to build connection with others. Groups meet through the school year, but you can join any time. RSVP below.
Throughout the year we occasionally offer other prayer experiences and workshops at Village. Information about these will be included in our monthly church newsletter and on Sunday announcements.
Join the Prayer Ministry Team
Thank you for your interest in joining the Prayer Ministry Team, people uniquely set apart to pray with others - on Sundays during Communion and at other times in the life of the Church. Becoming a Prayer Minister is a discernment process. There are several prerequisites, and prayer ministers must be approved by the pastoral staff of Village Church, showing evidence of maturity in the faith, self-awareness, a sensitivity to those seeking prayer and knowledge of best practices for this type of ministry. The Prayer Ministry at Village Church also includes people who have been specifically trained to lead people in deeper healing prayer, a process of seeking the Lord together for spiritual healing of emotional wounds and other suffering or difficulty.
Application Process:
Attend Village Church for at least 6 months and be moving toward church membership before you apply to be a Prayer Minister. Please see the membership page for more information.
Fill out an application to serve (below).
Complete the Training for New Prayer Ministers.
Shadow Prayer Ministers at least twice on a Sunday morning.
Agree to Conflict Guidelines Document and accept the “Invitation to a Confessional Lifestyle” (documents above)
Prayer Ministry Resources & Application