Together Inside



We Are Made to Worship Together

Updated 5/18/2021
As of May 30, we will expand our available seating and masks will be optional. Sections will be available for those who still prefer physical distancing. For more details on this new phase, please click here.

Updated 3/4/2021
We’ve been indoors since November 2020. Thankfully, physical distancing and wearing masks are significantly reducing the potential for transmission of COVID-19 indoors, making it possible for us to enjoy God and one another in the sacred space we love. Thank you for your understanding, patience and proactive unity as we all endure these complications for the worthwhile blessing of being together. We want to encourage you to lean in to worship, whether you join us in-person or online. As the vaccines roll out and the prevalence decreases, we look forward to getting back to normal soon. We are encouraging all our regulars to get the vaccine as soon as it is available.

Here’s a “Guided Video Walkthrough” with Seth+


Updated 3/4/2021


Along with indoor worship, our video livestream will continue indefinitely as an option for any and all. Corporate worship is essential to our faith, so we encourage everyone to join us, even if you’re not ready or able to be indoors. Each week’s liturgy is available for download every Friday on the livestream site, along with the weekly kids’ activities.

Virtual Fellowship & Prayer
Beginning November 8, an opportunity for connection between services, from 10:15-11am, will be hosted by our deacon, Beth Bryant. Get more details and join in here!

Communion Outdoors for Livestream - 12:15p
For those who have worshipped with us via livestream on Sunday, we invite you to join us in the outdoor carport behind the Parish House to receive the sacrament.


We will hold two 60-minute Holy Communion services each week at 9 and 11am. For now, congregants will not need to alternate Sundays between live worship and livestream, but that may be in our future. Adhering to our diocesan guidelines, we can seat approximately 90 in a single service. So that’s 180 per Sunday, roughly 60% of our pre-COVID attendance.

We ask all individuals or households experiencing potential coronavirus symptoms and those who are higher risk to join us via livestream only, as well as anyone who has had any significant exposure to someone who is infected. Masks are required in-person for now. Please do your best to maintain 6’ of physical distancing. It may not be possible as you move about, which is why masks are important in this phase of regathering. Masks specifically protect others from viral aerosols you may be emitting and keep them at a minimum as air circulates indoors. If you do not have one, we will have one for you at the entrance.

Please see the map below for our designated entrance and exits. Most of us will enter through the front doors facing Old Buncombe. Parents checking in children at the 9am service will enter through the Sizemore St. side entrance.

The map below will help you envision how we’ve spaced our seating to honor physical distancing. We will not have any assigned seating, but we ask that you find a space that maximizes each row. There will be plenty of clear signage to mark available and unavailable seating.

Singing is an important part of our worship and we’re excited to be able to sing together. But loud singing and talking potentially enhances the risk of spread indoors, so we ask you to sing and respond gently in your mask. We will be opening up the doors and airing out the sanctuary between services as well as running HEPA filters throughout the building.

We’ve created and marked a well-spaced path for coming down for Communion (see map below). Instructions will be in your order of service. For now, we are serving the wine in a small, single-use cup.

Hand sanitizing stations will be at our entrances and elsewhere. We will sanitize all shared surfaces weekly, in all common areas. Kids ministry areas are sanitized between services.

Catching up with one another is important and encouraged, but we ask you to do so outside, please. Our green space is waiting for you and the weather is getting nice!



As we return to our sanctuary, we'll be including our children in worship, taking a phased approach based on CDC guidelines for nurseries and childcare centers. Our safety plan is as responsible as it is eager for them to experience Christ and community at Village.

Nursery care for (6 weeks to 35 months) is available in both services for 8 children in each service. We have a spacious nursery with 4 separate rooms plus a crying room if you need it.

Ministry to children 3 years through 5th grade will be available in our 9am service for 10 and 15 children per class, respectively. We will also provide activities and “fidget toys” for children staying in the entire service, either at 9 or 11.

Parents will register kids through Eventbrite and must attest to their family’s and child’s health at a screening upon arrival. We’ll have your sticker waiting for you at the check-in table! All volunteers will be masked and sanitized, helping children avoid excess contact.


  • With the exception of parents registering children in the 9am service, everyone will enter through the Old Buncombe Rd. front doors that provide direct access to virtually every section, including the balcony.

  • We will exit through the nearest doors when dismissed.

  • Have a look at the chart on this page. You are welcome to choose seating that best suits your group size according to the following guidelines:

    • Every other row of pews will be left vacant and marked with signage.

    • The longer pews and rows of chairs will require 3 seats between each party.

  • The Side Section (S) will prioritize parents with infants first.

  • Photos of the chair sections are below.

  • Communion will be an invitation by section and will queue at a distance according to the red line in the chart.

Registration for the upcoming two Sundays will be open on the Wednesday prior, at the latest.

Click to enlarge the section photos.

Note: 3 chairs of spacing will be required between each party.

