Email Update - 3/13

I've had a very informative conversation with Rhett Shirley (MD - Infectious Diseases) who works for Prisma Greenville and was gracious enough to speak with me at length. Here are a couple of details from our conversation:

  • Unlike many hospitals, Prisma's Greenville presence has not diagnosed the disease yet. So they are not seeing the "spectrum of issues" that other hospitals have faced, especially in their ICU's. This is good news from a public health perspective. He does feel we will see it soon enough, though, and need to accept that it is probably already here.

  • This disease is definitely worse than the flu, particularly for the elderly and those with certain preexisting health conditions. So from a public health perspective, we all need to take this seriously, regardless of age, etc.

  • They have just received national testing capacities, which means they are ready to test beyond the significant limitations of what the state was able to offer. Also good news.

  • He is not presently concerned about sending his own children to school. I asked him specifically what he advised for us this Sunday from a personal and public health perspective, knowing there are implications for both. He advised: No handshaking. Ask everyone to sanitize well and be conscientious. If you're sick at all, stay home, of course.

  • He described the situation as "week to week."

So as of now, we will move forward with service this weekend, however...

  • We will serve communion in one kind, bread only, though wine will be present in our service. 

  • We will pass the Peace verbally.

  • We may cancel next Sunday, the 22nd, if things worsen. That is the likelihood. We'll keep you posted.  

If we cancel, we will be reaching out with remote opportunities for spiritual growth and discipleship, including times to receive communion that forego our Sunday AM large gatherings.  

Also, because the Church is a people, not a place or event, we need to be asking:
How will the Church be the hands and feet of Jesus in this pandemic? 

Depending on how things develop locally, here are some ideas that have come from our vestry, who want to partner with you to coordinate our faithful presence:

  • Stay at home moms can offer to care for the kids of working parents if schools close.

  • Taking in international college students who don't have anywhere to go if their campuses close.

  • Offering to be delivery people for local food banks if they need to change the way they distribute food.

  • Regularly call elderly neighbors who are self-isolating to protect them from loneliness.

  • Setting aside a special support fund for congregation and neighbors in need.

  • Setting up a VC Shipt or Walmart delivery account to order food for those in need (especially those impacted by lack of school food for kids or inability to work)

  • If allowed from a public health perspective, doing something similar to summer lunch buddies but more pick up and take home than community gathering.

  • Setting up a needs spreadsheet where congregants and community can list known needs (everything from prescription pickup to someone to call and check in regularly, to prayer) and sign-up to support others.

I ask you to be praying about all of this, asking the Lord what your part might be. We'll be in touch. And if I or other clergy or staff can pray with you about anything, we're here. Email anyone with their

Love to all,


Seth CainComment