Email Update 3/17


We pray this email finds you well, though we know many of you are feeling generally unsettled or downright afraid.  Maybe you feel overwhelmed by the thought of social isolation, the effect of school closings, and/or the threat of financial hardship. The wellbeing of our friends and loved ones is in question and the future of this disease and its spread is unclear. It's probably safe to say everyone is feeling something they would rather not. There are no two ways about it: This is hard.

These challenges and uncertainties are real, but they can tempt us to forget what is most real: Jesus is still on the Throne. He held us before this outbreak, and He holds us now. He is still the Lord of history, the ultimate Victor over evil, and the Shepherd of our souls. He has always been the Peace-giver to our brothers and sisters around the world and throughout history whose profound daily hardships keep them desperately dependent upon him. His sovereignty doesn't mean we are negligent in our response to challenges like this, nor that we are immune to present or future suffering. It means that in all these things, we are governed by the One whose perfect love casts out fear. And we are together in his love.

So what does it look like to walk this out? 
It will be dynamic for each of us as we invite the Lord to lead us, but here are a few thoughts:

  • Be conscious of how you're experiencing news and/or social media. If it is helping you stay informed and connected with people you care about, great. If it is triggering anxiety, fear, and anger, give yourself permission to step away or set boundaries. 

  • Connect with the Scriptures and the daily rhythms of prayer in the Book of Common Prayer here. God's Word is a lamp for our feet (and hearts!) in this dark time.

  • Look for opportunities to embrace positive interaction and/or take positive action. Yes, caution and self-care are important right now. But yes, channeling your faith, energy and resources in ways that bless others is a strong defense against fear and isolation.Click here to connect with and serve our specific community response at Village. There are 6 unique ways you can jump in, even from your home, plus a space to contribute additional ideas.

  • As always, if you would like to talk through some of your fears/feelings, we're here. You do not walk alone, even now. As of today, we are still keeping office hours, so feel free to contact clergy if you need us ( There are also easy contact forms on COVID-19 Response page.

Our Sunday Worship Plan (For Now)
As you know, gatherings of 10 or more are not an option right now. So we will set up a live stream for worship on Sunday at 10am and will have consecrated bread available for pick-up and delivery on Friday, before the service on Sunday. The link for the live feed and all the details you will need will be emailed separately and be available on the COVID-19 Response page.

Other Connections...

  • 8pm Thursdays - Compline and Conversation - This will be a ZOOM meeting you can join with the Kings. All the details will be on the link above. Seth+ and other leaders will be hosting some gatherings, too, for prayer, conversation and pastoral connection. These will be announced and updated at the same link. Stay tuned.

  • We're working on the streaming option for our Discipleship Night: Naked & Unashamed on the 29th. We'll probably move it to a later time (8p) so parents of littles can join after bedtime. Stay tuned for that, too. (Confirmation class is postponed, btw.)

  • We're also working on updating the Desmós blog with relevant inspiration - even some video posts. Comments on those posts will be a great way to connect!

Finally, brothers and sisters, hear the words of our Lord, read them aloud and let them resonate in your hearts as the Spirit reminds you of his concern for you: "These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.“ (John 16:33)

We love you,

Your Village Pastors

Seth CainComment