Come Holy Spirit
O Spirit,
Living Presence of all Wisdom,
hover over this place of chaos,
this dis-ordered time,
confusing and dark.
Breath of Life,
Brood over this Nothing--
the capsize of our plans,
discarded intentions,
now aimless energy.
We wait
in the nothing nothingness.
The palpable void
presses in,
fills our lungs.
The careening course of crisis
paralyzes and isolates us.
This is not good.
Fear and instability and separation
produce after their own kind;
no one can live,
can flourish here...
Unless You Speak.
Unless Your words of wisdom shape what is formless,
Unless Your voice of love fills what fear has emptied.
Begin again.
Rename this inhospitable ground Your Home.
Reclaim this fallow earth by Your fertile affection.
Be our maternal miracle,
growing us and feeding us from your own Self.
Be fruitful and multiply,
O Divine Mystery,
source of impossible Life.