Lent Day 22
By Cassie Chase,
with music by Lauren Moisa and art by Debra Fehsenfeld
Ps. 19:7a, 8
“The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living.
Exodus 20:5a-6
…for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods…But I lavish unfailing love for those who love me and obey my commands.
John 2:16-17
Then, going over to the people who sold doves, he told them, “Get these things out of here. Stop turning my Father’s house into a marketplace!”17 Then his disciples remembered this prophecy from the Scriptures: “Passion for God’s house will consume me.”
Romans 7:24b-25a
Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is Jesus Christ our Lord!
My dear brothers and sisters- How is it with your dwelling place? What’s consuming your attention lately? Exhaustion, sickness, relational strife?
At the time that David cried out: “Passion for your dwelling place consumes me” in Psalm 69, his heart was broken, he was exhausted and overwhelmed, his body was suffering and in pain, he was entrenched with shame. He was crying out to a God that SEES and KNOWS all of this. He was reminding himself and the Lord of his passion, and the Lord’s unfailing love for those whose jealousy and affection is for HIM.
Take some time now, my dear brothers and sisters. Ask God to give you eyes to see. He created you and formed you and remembers you are from dust. He desires to realign your heart’s eyes and affection to be able to see and take hold of His affection. Intentionally return to God’s presence within. What is He inviting you to in this present moment? What help do you need from Him to be able to respond to His invitation?
As you listen to David’s prayer in the song, see what emotions resonate with you and let God know. As you meditate on the picture, see where the person’s attention is turned to.
Prayer: Jesus you came to let us consume you, to help us be consumed by you. The very physical nature of blood brings oxygen to all parts of our body, brings healing properties to areas of wounds, and filters out what doesn’t belong.
Come Lord Jesus, let your word revive my soul, bringing life and breath to my weary soul. May I co-labor with you in bringing that life to those we engage with this week.
Lord Jesus you see and know my hurt and pain. Pour out your spirit upon me, mending every part of me that is afflicted. Jesus, may your power flow through me, touching and healing the hearts of those I engage with this week.
Come Lord Jesus, what needs to be cleared out of your dwelling place? In your unfailing love oh Lord, help me release what tries to consume me.
Pour out your spirit upon me to be able to join you in returning your dwelling place back to a place of prayer.
Perceiving What I have Received by Debra Fehsenfeld
Reflection: Cassie Chase is passionate about co-laboring with Jesus to create a spiritually healthy culture among leaders in ministry, their communities and households, by giving them space to attend to their heart, mind, body and soul and find His affection there. She is currently practicing and furthering her education in spiritual direction and Massage Therapy. She is a big proponent of play and wonder and finds much joy in backpacking with ladies, playing in muddy cow fields with kids, and gardening in Lynchburg, VA where she currently lives.
Music: Lauren Moisa is a sonographer in Lynchburg, VA. She is passionate about seeing beauty in the world and in the lives of others. When she isn't doing ultrasounds, she enjoys playing piano, singing with friends, and exploring nature.
Art: Debra Fehsenfeld practices the art of counseling and spiritual direction and finds people and their complexities fascinatingly unique and beautiful. For her, painting is a way of seeing and becoming aware of the divine within the common; it is a form of prayer, listening and responding. She engages in life from southwest Michigan where she lives with her husband and four young adult children.